Friday, November 2, 2007

Two, Stressing? Nah

You hear about stressing out and how everyone does it their own way. I'm sure I also stress out, but I will admit I'm not always sure what way I show it. Yes, I enjoy procrastinating as much as the next Joe Schmoe but does my fine art of procrastination at test-time denote nervousness? Or does the fact that I can be extremely non-chalant about six-hour-long block exams mean that I am really panicky? I think of friends and family more during study time but that could just be because I'm not sitting through yet another hour of lecture on kidney stones or Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. And I love playing video games during this time. In fact, I think some of my best video gaming occurs during study weeks. Amazing how fast I can rip through the original Half-Life when I should be studying Genetics (nostalgia since I just beat HL2:Episode 2).

[cocky grin] nothing like going into an exam with your snarks out on the line!

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