Thursday, November 22, 2007

Twenty-seven, Heartbeat

She came in asking for a pregnancy test. The clinic director figured it would show up negative since all the previous ones requesting the test weren't really pregnant. The student assigned to work with her rushed back to the doctor with the news that she was. The doctor just took it in stride, possibly because it was her first day at the free clinic too. She came in to talk to the woman, who was obviously happy at her news. God knows enough young women in the same condition, finding out that they are pregnant at a free medical clinic run by students, would freeze and wonder what will happen to their lives. The volunteering doctor then rummaged around the clinic. She knew what she was looking for but wasn't sure if they had one. After scrounging through many cabinets, one yielded the medical equipment she was looking for. Going back to the pregnant lady, the doctor applied some gel to her and then gently placed the equipment's sensor rod against her belly. Suddenly, loud sounds began emanating from the box connected to the sensor rod. Oddly enough, it sounded just like what we hear in a set of stethoscopes except faster, much faster.

As I listened to this sound, I stood in awe. Here was the sound of something new, something untouched by the world I have come to call home in my twenty-five years. Its life could go anywhere, or nowhere. This holiday season, it will bring joy to its family. But as I stood there, I could think of little beyond how cool it was.

Here were the heartbeats of an unborn baby

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