Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Fourty-three, Time

Friends go through a lot for each other. It can be suffering through a movie that they might not care for or listening to the world's longest sob story with a straight face but they stick with you no matter what. Granted it was easier in previous years. If something had occurred or an important thought came up, it was simple to call up someone and go take a walk to Sun/H.H. Gregg and back (or around campus). The combination of exercise with spilling out my mind helped calm me. Now I find that it's harder. I have to schedule according to responsibilities. Walking is more difficult since no one lives near a place that's pleasant to stroll around in the dark.

The world changes. It's easy for most people to say that this happens. But it can be really difficult to accept it. Sometimes time is the only way to be at peace with change.


BTW said...


Anonymous said...

Or you go to a symphony for someone even though you really wish that you were being torn apart by wild dogs.