Monday, February 18, 2008

One Hundred and Six, Thank You John Spencer

I feel like I've just witnessed the oddest rollercoaster of emotions and it's all thanks to a TV show. For almost four years now I've slowly been progressing through The West Wing episodes. It's really funny given the general apathy I have towards politics throughout my life. The first time I ever saw an episode was over at the Beatnik and Lord Chaos' family's place. I think it was one of the early shows that still had Sam Seaborn in it. The West Wing finished it's run with a total of seven seasons. One year short of completing two actual terms in the Oval Office. And they really covered a lot of ground there, even after the creator Aaron Sorkin left the show. From the first days of Jed Bartlett's Presidency to the new Election of Matt Santos and a million things in between, every major governmental occurrence that could be written into the show was. Seven seasons, four years is a long time to get to know people, and that's what 156 episodes accomplished. As Heather! Anne! mentioned, one of the best moments was Josh and Donna's carefully structured romantic hookup. There's something to be said for the gradual buildup they had in this show, something about the depth to each character the watchers have come to appreciate over the years.

One thing which I found quite poignant was that one of the actors actually passed away during the taping of the last season. Actor John Spencer died December 16th, 2005. Vice Presidential Candidate Leo McGarry passed away on Election Night, the night his ticket won.

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