Saturday, February 9, 2008

One Hundred, 100 - Actually It's 101

I just felt an urge really to number these. I tried it out using digits but "0" just didn't look that impressive plus some people would inevitably wonder why I typed "o" or "O" without the actual letter next to it to compare. Some organized part of me enjoys a linear or proper pathway for things I interact with regularly. Thing A happens and that causes Thing B to occur. While I try my mind isn't able to keep track when Thing A makes B, C, & D happen. Each of which, in turn, cause E, F, & G; H, I, & K; and Orangutan, Bubbles, & Somatotropin to happen. You see how confusing it can get?

Three digits now. My titles will be nice and long thanks to just the number. Depending on how it makes everything look when I post longer titles, I might modify the look/layout of this place to better accommodate the new length. For those who've been reading since Entry Zero, I hope you've had an interesting ride.

I went to an improv show tonight for the first time in something close to a year. I almost volunteered for one of the skits where someone from the audience provides the details of their day so that the improv group can act it out onstage. Granted I was going to use Monday as my day rather than what actually happened today. Monday, if you glance back at entry Ninety-six, was the day where I practiced a male genital/rectal exam. Hilarity would have ensued!

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