Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ninety-seven, Methods of Communication

I imagine at one point, like the one-year-old niece of the Beatnik and Lord Chaos, I burbled a lot to people and possibly smiled as they "oooo-ed" and "aaaaah-ed" me. Later on I found I could talk to people about games of various types with different rules (TV Tag rules rocked although we had to specify what TV show names to use since not everyone knew everything--cartoons were a mainstay). Ultimately I entered the close friend era where face-to-face deep conversations would occur. Then came the age of the Instant Message. That proved a mainstay in my repertoire for the past 8-10 years. Of course face-to-face was still present, just not as prevalent as IMs. Now it isn't much of a surprise that I'm entering the era of the phone. Oddly enough most people on this planet with regular access to one have been using them since day one of high school. But due to the proximity of my close friends, I never felt the need to learn how to communicate on it that well beyond, "Yeah, ok, I'll see you in a minute." Nowadays I can hold hour-long talks with people, whether it's the Engineer, Lord Chaos, the Beatnik, the Amish Girl, or the Alaskan.

I wonder what method will come to me in the future!

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