Sunday, January 6, 2008

Seventy-three, Our Bonds which Art in Soul

What is the process of forming a friend? Obviously there's no quantitative formula, just many subjective ones. Is it the constant going out to places? Or just enjoying the same activities? Or does it require working together? Constantly talking to each other? I think it's a little bit of it all and most importantly, just being in close contact with someone. There is a flaw to my thinking though. Namely the Beatnik, the Engineer and the Alaskan. None of them are physically close to me or in regular contact these days yet they are very close friends. I've spent ~15 years with the Beatnik and the Engineer. And a couple years with the Alaskan. It blows my mind that I work to talk to and hear from them regularly when I can't even remember to call home once a week.


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