Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ninety-one, Boom Booms!

"Me likee teh esplozions. They were like, BOOM! O_O And I was like woah... O_o Then they like, skating man! *_o i like it.. I watchez again"

It's good that the Internet makes me laugh so much. From one point of view, BebopJelli could be raised on English like this. From another, more optimistic, point of view, she/he was being very creative in the description of this video. If you care to look for it, BebopJelli's comment is still there, 16 pages from the last page of comments. As for the video, while it's neat, not having been a skateboarder myself (or one blessed with much balance at all), I have little to relate to in the video other than liking the explosions in some of them. (thanks dooce for pointing out the comments)

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